Monday, 16 December 2013

Scouts upto Christmas and beyond

Scouts this week - last one before Christmas - please bring a foil tray as pictured below, Scouts starts back again after Christmas on the 8th or 15th of January ( exact date will be posted here ) Also can we please have any outstanding stamp and deliver stuff back ASAP, either unsold stamps, or the money from sold stamps - thanks.


Scouts Summer camp 2015 in Holland - Haarlem Jamborette 26th July - 6th August 2015
Can you help? - fund raising ideas wanted...
While we are still in the planning stages for our Summer camp at Tolmers in 2014, we are also booked into the Haarlem Jamborette in Holland in 2015.
While this may seem like a long way off, we have had to book now to ensure that we have places available.
This will be the third time that 1st Melbourne have attended the Haarlem jamborette.
We will soon be setting up a register of interest for those who may be interested in attending ( aged upto 16 during the camp)
We will also be starting to fund raise towards this soon, with car washes sometime early next year, and if you have any ideas to help raise some money ( to offset/reduce the cost) then please get in touch asap

We will also be using our easy fundraisng account to raise some funds if you buy anything online from Holidays to things from ebay, to supermarket online shopping online shopping in general etc etc then participating companies will donate some money to us, at no additional cost to you.
Please visit this website to find out more - it only takes a few minutes to sign up, if youve already signed up to something else you can add us as well.
For those who dont know - the Haarlem Jamborette is an international Scout and Guide camp held over 10 days in Holland every 4 years and offers up 10 days of full on activities and events with the days lasting from 7am to 11pm, and sometimes later.
This is what we did last time ( live blog from the camp )
There is also a huge amount of material on youtube here ( or just search Haarlem Jamborette )
plus over 6,000 photos uploaded by the Haarlem jamborette here and more.

and if you’ve received his via e-mail ive attached the 2011 camp handbook and camp programme.
In my opinion the 2011 Haarelm jamborette is the best camp that I have ever attended second only to the 2007 Haarlem Jamborette.

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